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Access flexible home care services tailored to you

"It makes sense to go to where your needs are met"

— Glory, Vision Australia Home Care Package recipient

Vision Australia provides flexible aged care services to support your changing health needs, goals, and circumstances. By bringing your Home Care Package to Vision Australia, you can benefit from the knowledge and care of our team of health care professionals, who offer extensive experience supporting people who are blind or have low vision.

Enquire now about a Home Care Package with Vision Australia

Contact us on 1300 448 415 or enquire now.

Why choose Vision Australia as your home care provider

Vision Australia is the leading Australian provider of blindness and low vision services. Our Home Care Packages are ideal for people who have aged-related vision loss, or have low vision and are now facing additional challenges related to aging.

By bringing your Home Care Package to Vision Australia, you will receive specialised services to provide you with a tailored package catering to your specific blindness or low vision requirements.

Your support team

Vision Australia works with you.

As part of your Home Care Package, you will have a dedicated team of caring allied health professionals who understand your unique experience as someone who is blind or has low vision.

You can confidently place your trust in a team who will work with you to develop a personalised and flexible plan outlining your needs and goals to help you live easily at home.

A Care Manager and a Service Coordinator will be there to make sure you receive all the supports and services you need, so you can achieve the goals you have outlined in your plan.

Vision Australia's team of allied health professionals includes occupational therapists, orientation and mobility specialists, physiotherapists, dietitians (including diabetic dieticians), nutritionists, and podiatrists. As your goals or circumstances change, our team will be there to respond to these changes.

Elements of your Home Care Package

Below you will find a list of some of the services Vision Australia can provide as part of a Home Care Package. To be eligible for these services they must relate to the goals outlined in your care plan.

Everyday personal care is essential to independent living at home. Our team can provide dignified support for your personal care.

This includes:

  • bathing or showering
  • personal hygiene and grooming
  • dressing
  • assistance with mobility.

A clean well-maintained home can provide an overall sense of comfort and security. We can help you with all aspects of everyday food shopping, meal preparation, cleaning, laundry, small home maintenance and gardening.

Shopping and cooking

If you need help with shopping or cooking, our carers can provide transport to shops, carry your shopping bags, put away your groceries or do your shopping for you. There’s also assistance, as much or as little as you need, with meal preparation, help using eating utensils and feeding if necessary.


A tidy, clean, well-maintained home provides a sense of comfort and security. We can arrange cleaners to regularly clean your home or tackle those one-off bigger tasks.

If you're not able to tend to your garden like you used to, we can arrange regular professional help to ensure your garden is managed.

Home maintenance and modifications

We can also find professional support to assist with light home maintenance such as window cleaning, replacing tap washers or installing smoke alarm. Home modifications can include removal of trip hazards and accessibility improvements.

Accomplishing everyday “life admin” activities, alongside pursuing and participating in recreation and social events, is essential to maintaining your independence and keeps you feeling connected. Let Vision Australia help you in the home and out in the community.

At home, your carer can assist with:

  • reading and cataloguing incoming mail and bills
  • escorting or providing transport to appointments or errands
  • assisting with shopping
  • helping you attend social activities
  • offering companionship.

We can support you - or a group of up to four people - to access a range of activities, such as:

  • entertainment: live shows, movies, exhibitions, and galleries
  • health: exercise classes
  • recreational interests: art and craft classes, talks and lectures.

Vision Australia also offers a range of social and recreational groups for people who have similar lived experience.

Vision Australia provides both personal care and social support to allow a family member or care worker a rest and recharge. Light domestic duties or meal preparation can be included.

  • Overnight care: Our team member can stay overnight in your home to provide aid, company and security.
  • 24-hour in-home care: We can provide around-the-clock personal and domestic assistance in the home.

With our specialised vision loss services and supports, Vision Australia helps thousands of people to live the life they choose. Our vision loss specialists can help you to understand your vision, alongside assisting you to build practical strategies at home or in the community to get around safely. There is also emotional support if you are adjusting to vision loss, together with a range of social and recreational groups with similar lived experience. Allied health professionals, such as nurses and physiotherapists, are available to support your health and wellbeing.

Technology and assistive aids

Vision Australia knows that technology can be life-changing for people who are blind or have low vision in living a full and independent life. With one of our Home Care Packages, you will have access to a full range of assistive and mainstream technology. This can include specialised assistive tech and gadgets, such as magnifiers and talking microwaves, or more mainstream technology, like voice-activated personal assistants and smart phone apps. There’s also a wealth of resources, both simple and advanced, to get you up and running or reacquainted with technology.

Where does Vision Australia offer Home Care Packages?

Vision Australia is currently offering Home Care Services in:

  • Melbourne and surrounds, VIC
  • Bendigo and surrounds, VIC
  • Ballarat and surrounds, VIC
  • Southeastern Sydney, NSW
  • Illawarra Shire, NSW

If you don't live in these areas, contact our Home Care Package team: 1300 448 415 or enquire now to discuss how we can provide services to you.