Canberra, ACT
There are currently no groups meeting in Canberra.
Central Coast and Hunter
All Abilities Swish Social
This activity is open to all abilities.
Date: Third Friday of every month.
Time: 1pm - 3pm
Location: Vision Australia Newcastle
Contact: John on phone 0405 536 264 or email [email protected].
Gosford Social Group
Date: Second Wednesday of the month
Time: 10.30am
Location: Vision Australia Gosford
Contact: Dawn on phone 0415 856 267
Gosford Walkers
Date: Every Saturday
Time: 8.45am for 9am walk
Location: Meet in front of Central Coast Leagues Club
Contact: Carol on phone 0478 420 326 or email [email protected].
EYE to EYE Peer Support Group in partnership with Social Futures - Gosford
Date: First Friday of each month
Time: 10am-12 noon
Location: Social Futures offices, Level 4, 221 Mann St Gosford
Contact: Phone Scott at Social Futures on 0434 312 536 or 1800 522 679. You can also call Vision Australia Gosford on 02 4321 6700. Email enquiries can be sent to [email protected].
Maitland Vision Loss Support Group
Date: First Friday of each month
Time: 10am
Location: The Belmore Hotel, 476 High Street, Maitland
Contact: Mick on email [email protected] or phone 0431 974 925
Newcastle Technology Group
Date: Every Friday
Time: 9am - 2pm
Location: Vision Australia Hamilton
Contact: Mick on email [email protected] or phone 0431 974 925
Newcastle Vision Australia Audio Book Club
Date: Second Thursday of the month
Time: 1pm - 3pm
Location: Vision Australia Newcastle
Contact: Libby on 4943 5316 or email [email protected].
Talk About It Audio Book Club
Date: Fourth Wednesday of every month
Time: 10:30am
Location: Vision Australia Gosford
Contact: Vision Australia's Gosford team on 4321 6700
The Saturday Lunch Club
Date: Second Saturday of every second month (January, March, May, July, September, November)
Time: 12pm
Location: Sydney Junction Hotel, Hudson Street, Hamilton
Contact: Bruce on email [email protected] or phone 0417 737 395
Vision Australia Lawn Bowls Group
Date: First and third Wednesday of the month
Time: 9.30am to 11.30am
Location: Gosford City Bowling Club
Contact: Jacqueline 0430 039 442 [email protected].
Avalon Vision Impaired Lawn Bowls Group
Date: Every Tuesday
Time: 10am
Location: Avalon Bowling Club, 4 Bowling Green Lane, Avalon Beach
Contact: Maureen phone 0412 092771 or email [email protected].
Burwood Local Client Group
Date: First Thursday of each month
Time: 10.30am
Location: Club Burwood, 97 Burwood Rd, Burwood
Contact: Coral on email [email protected] or phone 02 9713 5734
Vision Impaired Macarthur
Date: First Tuesday of each month
Time: 10am
Location: Macarthur Disability Service Office
Contact: Rhonda on 0419 412 087 or email [email protected].
Campbelltown Book Club
Date: Fourth Tuesday of each month
Time: 10am
Location: Campbelltown RSL
Contact: Vision Australia's Sydney South and South-West team on phone 02 8525 9085
Caringbah Book Club
Date: Second Monday of each month
Time: 10am
Location: Vision Australia Caringbah.
Contact: Vision Australia's Sydney South and South-West team on phone 02 8525 9085
Caringbah Men's Group
Date: Second Wednesday of each month
Time: 10am
Location: Vision Australia Caringbah.
Contact: Vision Australia's Sydney South and South-West team on phone 02 8525 9085
Drummoyne Community Group
Date: Third Thursday of each month
Time: 1pm
Location: Drummoyne Community Centre, 10 Cometrowe Street Drummoyne
Contact: Coral on email [email protected] or phone 02 9713 5734
Epping Social Group
Date: 2nd Tuesday of the month (except Jan)
Time: 10.30am
Location: 1-5 Ray Road, Epping (Corner Ray Road and Carlingford Road). Ask for the Craft Room.
Contact: Hilary on [email protected] or phone 02 9144 1353
Hawkesbury Vision Support LCG
Date: First Monday of each month
Time: 10am
Location: Peppercorn Leisure Centre, 114 March Street, Richmond NSW 2753
Contact: Sharon 0419 434 776
Northern Beaches Vision Impaired LCG
Date: Last Friday of each month
Time: 10.15am
Location: Dee Why RSL Club, 932 Pittwater Rd, Dee Why
Contact: Maureen on email [email protected] or phone 0412 092 771
Parramatta Vision Impaired Group
Date: Second Friday of each month
Time: 10am – 12 noon
Location: Level 7, 128 Marsden Street, Parramatta
Contact: James on email [email protected] or phone 0449 759 493
Illawarra and South Coast
Wollongong White Cane Wanderers Walking Group
Date: Second Wednesday of the month
Time: 10 am to 12 pm
Location: Various locations in the Illawarra region
Contact: Vision Australia's Wollongong team on 02 4220 4300
Wollongong Social Book Club
Date: Last Friday of Every Month
Time:10 am to 12 pm
Location: Vision Australia Wollongong 2/106 Market St, Wollongong NSW 2500
Contact: Vision Australia's Wollongong team on 02 4220 4300
Riverina/Southern NSW
There are currently no groups meeting in Riverina/Southern NSW.
Northern NSW
Tamworth Local Client Group
Date: Second Wednesday of each month
Time: 10am
Location: Heritage Room, Tamworth Community Centre
Contact: Phil on 0418 630 350 or email [email protected].
Western NSW
There are currently no groups meeting in Western NSW.