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Do you live in an area serviced by Vision Australia Radio?
Do you have vision impairment or other print disability? 

It’s time to have your say!


We are conducting a telephone and online survey so that you can tell us about the Vision Australia Radio programs that do and don’t meet your needs; the things you would like included; and the other ways in which you gain access to the information you need. 


We also want to hear from people who are blind, have low vision or some other print disability who believe that VAR does not currently meet their needs.


You can participate in this survey by going to http://radio.visionaustralia.org/ and following the links to the fully accessible online questionnaire.



You can phone our survey line and leave your name, telephone number and preferred day for contact. One of our volunteers will call you back to record your responses to a simple questionnaire in the week beginning Monday 21 January 2019, between 4:00 and 8:00pm.

Alternatively, please find the print version of the survey here. Completed questionnaires can be returned:

c/o Lynne Mills
Vision Australia Radio
454 Glenferrie Road
Kooyong Vic 3144


Please pass this invitation on to others and take a few minutes to be part of this important research. 


All of those who complete the online or telephone survey will be eligible to win one of ten gift vouchers from Vision Australia’s Equipment Solutions outlets. 


Vision Australia Radio is your information service; please make certain that we continue to meet your needs.