Feelix Library would love our youngest readers to join us online for this year’s National Simultaneous Storytime. We will be hosting an accessible reading of The Truck Cat, a delightfully heartwarming tale about a cat who travels around Australia with a lonely truck driver, until one day he chases a butterfly….
Join our Children’s Librarian as she shares the adventures of Tinka the Truck Cat. Our unique storytime will be enhanced with audio descriptions of the beautiful illustrations of Truck Cat’s travels throughout Australia.
You can even create your own tactile book to read during National Simultaneous Storytime, just like our Feelix kits! Our children’s librarian has produced downloadable instructions on how to make your own tactile version of The Truck Cat, using household items easily sourced at home.
What is National Simultaneous Storytime?
Every year, millions of children across the country gather in libraries, schools, childcare centres, bookshops and family homes to read a beautiful children’s book together. Everyone reading the same book, on the same day, creating a sense of community and celebrating a shared love of reading.
The Truck Cat is a story about belonging and connection, so we invite our youngest readers to join us online and connect with our Vision Australia community.
More information and how to register