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Living with low vision

Understanding your vision condition, and how to best use any of your remaining vision, can help you feel confident and enable you to live more independently. That’s why we’re committed to helping you learn new strategies, get support, and discover technology and products that can best assist you.

Our team of experts is here to help. We can work with you to develop tailored techniques and routines, giving you the support to live life on your terms.

Learn more about your vision condition.

What is low vision?

Low vision in Australia is considered to be less than 6/12 (best corrected vision), which is less than legal driving limit. World Health Organisation’s classification is 6/18 or less (best corrected vision).

Vision loss is different for everyone. But low vision is usually defined by:

  • low vision that cannot be corrected to normal vision by regular spectacles, contact lenses, laser, medical treatment or surgery
  • vision loss that causes everyday tasks to become more difficult to perform
  • vision loss severe enough to put someone at risk.

Learn about the types of eye conditions that can cause blindness or low vision.

What to do post diagnosis

Coming out of the doctor’s office after receiving a diagnosis is overwhelming. You might be left wondering, “What next?”

When you’re ready, there are many services you can access and some government benefits on offer.

Hearing how others have dealt with their diagnoses is a great start.

Vision assessments tailored for you

As part of Vision Australia’s low vision assessments, we’ll give you the tools to make the most of your vision. We’ll cover things like:

  • breaking down what your eye condition means, and how you can adapt your approach to everyday tasks
  • exploring aids and technology that can best assist you, such as magnifiers, appliances, and reading software
  • understanding the effects of glare and how to manage it
  • figuring out the best use of lighting around your home or workplace
  • developing techniques to help you maximise your remaining vision.

How this can help

  • Having all the facts is the best way to start thriving with low vision and communicating this to others.
  • Understanding your eye condition with expert advice can open up brand new possibilities and opportunities – helping you live life on your terms.
  • Understanding the full range of services and products available to you gives you the confidence to conquer the everyday.
  • Finding the right product to aid your vision can increase your wellbeing, your social connections, and can help you find or maintain employment.
  • Staying up to date with the latest technology and techniques allows you to stay more connected with the ever-changing world around us.

Know Your Vision clinic

For adults over 65 years

Our orthoptists are qualified allied health professionals specialising in low vision who'll work with you to maximise use of your functional vision.

For older Australians, the Know Your Vision clinic is also designed to support you in better managing significant eye conditions, such as macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataracts.

They will work hand in hand with your eye specialist to monitor your vision, and ensure any changes are assessed and managed.

Find out more about the Know Your Vision clinic
An older woman smiles while having an eye exam with a slit lamp. A healthcare professional adjusts the machine.
Cheryl wearing a painters apron stands in front if colourful painted canvases.

“Speak to professionals, because they’ll tell you about what’s available – and whatever you do, don’t stop what you are doing!”

— Cheryl, Vision Australia client

Real stories

Cheryl’s fight to remain independent

When Cheryl lost her sight, the biggest challenge was also losing her independence. She said of her experience: “The biggest impact was the day I had to hand in my driver’s licence.”  

But she decided to be positive and proactive, and reached out to Vision Australia for support, which is something she would recommend anyone with a similar experience to do. 

Listen to Cheryl’s story

Technology and products

View all products

Enhance your remaining vision with the latest assistive technology and products, designed to support you in feeling confident and enabling you to live more independently.

Frequently asked questions

They are highly recommended, as vision assessments at Vision Australia consider your lived vision experience in addition to standard clinical eye tests. A vision assessment enables our low vision specialists to determine the location of your functional vision so they can make tailored recommendations for you. This session will also help you to understand your diagnosis, ask any questions you might have about your vision condition, and support you to get the most out of your vision.

Vision Australia provides services for people who are blind or have low vision. A person is considered to have low vision when they have permanent vision loss that cannot be corrected with glasses and it affects daily functioning. Low vision can affect people of all ages and can have an impact on many aspects of a person's life. It may result in falls and cause problems recognising faces, reading the newspaper, dialling the telephone or seeing road signs.

Yes, services provided by Vision Australia do incur a cost. There are several ways you can fund the support, services and products you need. We can support you with your funding applications. Please give us a call on 1300 847 466 to discuss your options. In some circumstances, a service will require a minimal client contribution.