What is Telelink?
Telelink connects people with similar interests through telephone or video conferencing for an hour-long facilitated group session.
There is a wide variety of programs that are fun and engaging. From gardening and mechanics, to book clubs and general social groups. Depending on the program, these hour-long group sessions occur weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
See our current programs here.
Our programs are changing regularly, contact us directly to find out more.
Program topic areas
Supporting each other:
- Parenting Support
- Retinitis Pigmentosa Support
- Diabetes Support and Information
- Dog Guide Support
- It’s All About Braille Support
- Smart Tech Users
- Tertiary Studies Support
- Table for One Dating
The world around us:
- History
- Current Affairs
- Greek
- Arabic
- Italian
- Cantonese
- Spanish
- Vietnamese
- Polish
- Mandarin
- Bible Discussion
Your home is your castle:
- All About Food
- Keen Cooks
- Gardening
- Mechanics
Fun and games:
- Social
- Men’s Social Mid
- Men’s Social Older
- Women’s Social
- Younger Adult Social
- Pre-Employment Social
- Crossword
- Book Club
- Quiz
- Spelling Challenge
- Music Lovers
- Ice Breakers
- Sport
- AFL Footy Tipping
- Fine Arts Interest
- Arts and Crafts Interests
All about work:
In development.
Weekly view
Below is an example of a weekly program schedule.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |