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Maribel Steel is the author of 'Blindness for Beginners’, a freelance writer, motivational speaker, and positive vision educator. She is legally blind, the mother of four, a keen traveler and an award-winning Toastmaster. You can find more about Maribel on www.maribelsteel.com. In partnership with Vision Australia, she has developed a series called Living with Possibility. In this two part series, we hear about how to recognise our core values and hidden talents and how these can be used to navigate through life’s milestones such as getting a job.

Part 1: Finding purpose: Identifying core values and hidden talents

What you can do next?

  1. Maribel has created two resources for listeners of these series. The first is a worksheet on How to identify your core values. Download this and work through it yourself to identify your own values and how you intend to use them.
  2. The second resource available for download is How to Identify your Gifts. Download this and work through it to identify what gifts you have and how you intend to use them.
  3. To evolve your learning, understanding and to develop yourself as an individual, we need to do more than simply identify and articulate your values. We need to live them out in all aspects of our lives. To do this, we need to align ourselves with these values and to use them as a compass of what we do and how we do it. Over the next two weeks, look at your values and your gifts every day and remind yourself of them. In all key aspects of your life such as work, home or recreation, try to align what you do and how you do it to these values. For example: If one of your core values is Trust, you may ask yourself the following questions: How are you enabling others to trust you? Do you trust yourself? Does your behaviour and your words express your trust for others? Do you start in a place of trust or do you need to build that trust with someone? What works for you in building trust, what doesn’t?
  4. Have you considered work experience or volunteering to address any gaps you may have in your skill set? Do you know what those gaps may be?

Part 2: Courage on a mission

What you can do next?

  1. Maribel has created three resources for listeners of Courage on a Mission. Maribel sets out a challenge for you in this podcast and asks how you may move from your comfort zone to your growth zone. Identifying barriers that hinder this may help you to move forward with a sense of courage. This worksheet helps you to define those barriers and create a list that will help you progress with your plans. Worksheet 2.1 Get comfortable in your growth zone [DOCX, 20 KB]
  2. The second resource available for download helps you to break down these big goals into smaller ones that are more achievable. Worksheet 2.2 How to Set Achievable Goals [DOCX, 18 KB]