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Notice is hereby given that the 20th Annual General Meeting of Members of Vision Australia Ltd (“the Company”) will be held at 10.00am (AEDT) on Thursday, 31st October 2024. Registration will commence from 9.30am.

There are two options for participation in the 20th Annual General Meeting:

  1. Attendance in person at Kooyong; and

  2. Attendance via Zoom.

Attendees may also watch or listen to the AGM via Video Streaming. However, using this method does not count towards your attendance for quorum purposes.

Please note, in compliance with Vision Australia’s COVID-19 protocols and procedures, you should not attend the AGM in person if you are feeling unwell or have cold or flu-like symptoms (even if only mild).

If you are not able to connect by computer to the meeting, please contact [email protected] by 17 October 2024 for Vision Australia to attempt to assist you to participate.

Items of Business

  1. Welcome

  2. Roll Call, Confirmation of a Quorum and Acknowledgment of Country

  3. Apologies

  4. Confirmation of minutes of previous AGM held on Thursday 26 October 2023

  5. Board Report, Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report

To receive and consider the following reports:

  • Company’s Annual Financial Report;
  • Directors’ Report; and
  • the Independent Auditor’s Report.

For the Company and its controlled entities for the year ended 30 June 2024.

Note: Copies of the Reports will be made available to members at least 21 days before the Meeting. Hard copies of these documents are also available upon request. 

  1. Questions to the Board and/or the Auditor

  2. Election of Directors

See explanatory notes below 

  1. Close of Meeting

By order of the Board of Directors

Justine Heath

Company Secretary

24 September 2024

Important Information

Attendance at the AGM in person or via Zoom – RSVP Required

We would like to invite members who attend the meeting at Kooyong to join us for a light lunch hosted by the Chair, Bill Jolley. 

If you wish to attend please RSVP by 17th October 2024 to [email protected] or phone 9864 9394 so that we can plan catering.

If you wish to attend the AGM via Zoom or Video Streaming please RSVP by 17th October 2024 to [email protected] or phone 9864 9394 so that we can register you for the meeting. 

You will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Minutes of 19th Annual General Meeting

A copy of the minutes of the 19th Annual General meeting are available on request. 

Questions and queries

To the extent possible, members who wish to raise queries or seek information at the Annual General Meeting are requested to provide their queries in writing by 24th October 2024. 

This will enable properly researched replies to be prepared for the benefit of the members attending.

Send questions to: Company Secretary, 454 Glenferrie Road, Kooyong, VIC, 3144 or [email protected] 

Video streaming

Anyone who is unable to attend the meeting via Zoom is invited to observe the Annual General Meeting through remote access via their computer, by logging onto https://agm.visionaustralia.org and following the prompts. 

People who access the video streaming remotely via their computer will be able to follow the meeting using this method but not interact.


Please note there is no proxy form attached to this Notice of Meeting. This is because there is no decision requiring the members to exercise a vote.

Explanatory Notes 

In accordance with the Vision Australia constitution, the term of office of the following directors will expire at the conclusion of the AGM:

  1. Professor Linda Agnew; 
  2. Cameron Roles; and

  3. Professor Sharon Bentley. 

This leaves three vacant director positions. 

Professor Linda Agnew, being eligible to serve another three-year term, has offered herself for re-election.

In accordance with rule 8.4 of the Vision Australia constitution, the directors have resolved Cameron Roles be permitted to nominate as a candidate for director for a further three-year term. Mr Roles has subsequently offered himself for re-election.

Professor Sharon Bentley has reached her term limit and will retire at the 2024 AGM.

Given that the number of candidates nominated for election is less than the number of director vacancies, those candidates will be deemed to be elected unopposed. 

Director Bios

Professor Linda Agnew

Professor Linda Agnew has served as a Non-Executive Director on the Vision Australia Board since October 2021, where she is also a member of the Client Services and People and Culture Committees. 

She is a Professor in Biomedical Sciences and has been the Dean (Academic) of the Health Group at Griffith University since 2022. 

Previously, she was the Head of School of Science and Technology and Interim Dean at the University of New England. Dr Agnew is the first Australian female who is blind to achieve the rank of Professor and to be appointed as a Faculty Dean. 

Her lived experience includes a period of low vision which progressed to blindness and she is the mother of children who are BLV. 

Dr Agnew’s extensive work experience includes leadership in educating health care professionals, compliance, risk management, people and culture, health safety, wellbeing, equity, diversity, and inclusion. 

She is also a Graduate and member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, completing the Company Director course in 2022.

Cameron Roles

Mr Cameron Roles has been a Non-Executive Director on the Vision Australia Board since October 2015. He is also the Chair of the Client Services Committee, a member of the People and Culture Committee and a director of the Vision Australia Foundation and Quantum Limited. 

Mr Roles is a graduate and member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, completing the company Directors Course in 2023. He holds a Bachelor of Laws degree and a Master of laws degree. 

In addition to his board roles, Mr Roles is currently employed as a Senior Lecturer at the ANU College of Law, where he specialises in employment and corporations law. 

Prior to this, he worked as an employment and workplace lawyer in both private and government legal practice. 

Mr Roles is totally blind and brings lived experience to every aspect of his role at Vision Australia. He is a lifelong advocate for blind and low vision Australians.